Ottawa-Glandorf Fundraiser

Ottawa-Glandorf LifeWise Academy staff discussing a fundraiser. Tickets provided free for kids. Kids can pickup the free tickets from the school's athletic director. The district policy states "Staff members shall not promote or discourage participation in release time programs for any religious instructional program." When the school gives the impression they are supporting the religious instruction, students get the impression that the school is supporting the religious instruction. Schools supporting a ministry that spreads hate should not be allowed in schools.
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LifeWise Class Skit

Graham Local Schools LifeWise Academy teachers performing a skit. The original video is here. The skit describes how bad students steal, call people names, are lazy and worst of all don't go to church. Then good students go to church and love reading the bible.

LifeWise Church Presentation and Local Pastor's Sermon

New London, OH LifeWise Director Buddy Workman thanks Pastor Jerry and the First Baptist Church of New London, OH for being the reason LifeWise exists in New London. Then I show clips from Pastor Jerry's 2024 mother's day sermon.
Buddy Workman - Full Video
Jerry Shirley - Full Video

LifeWise Wauseon Director Discusses Bribing Students

Wauseon, OH LifeWise Director discusses how they bribe students to increase enrollment. He also says public school teachers are recommending students attend LifeWise going against the school policies. "Staff members shall not promote or discourage participation in release time programs for any religious instructional program."
Link to the School Policy
Full Video